I am searching for Freedom.

I am wondering where Freedom lies and how to entice it to become my daily companion. Is Freedom your soulmate? How did you meet? Did you pursue it or did it court you? Who fell in love first?

What is the music that allows you to dance together, each beautiful step an ongoing performance of joy, as you live each day, you and Freedom? I long for this partner, I eagerly search for its music, tilting my head in this direction and that as I walk through each day. Where is my Freedom? My soulmate? What music can I play, sing, write to entrance my life partner out of hiding? I long for my Freedom, my partner, the one who I wake up to each morning with heartfelt love and put to rest each night as my body replenishes itself for a another invigorating day together. 

 I love Freedom!  I can yell it from the mountain tops, yodelling with the best of the those who have Freedom by their side. I fantasize about Freedom …I dream about Freedom….Freedom is so exhilerating, so dreamlike, so all encompassing! What is is about Freedom that the just hearing the word inside my head as I type makes my mouth salivate as my lips curl into a slight smile? Freedom feels sooooo good, just thinking about it. 

Freedom, where for art thou? Are you near? I can feel you; sometimes you feel like my partner, my lover, my one and only. Then you are gone, like a mysterious twinkle that blends into the darkened sky. Or are you really so close that I can smell, taste and hear you, but Knowledge quickly consumes you as my days fill up my mind? 

Knowledge, what a troublesome fellow he is. He is constantly by my side, holding on so tightly that at times I can hardly breathe. There’s a reason why Knowledge and Nuisance begin with the same sound – they are kissing cousins. I need you to step aside, Knowledge, allow some room for Freedom to spend time with me, to show me the world, to allow me to feel the world.

I know. I know. I know. But I want to feel. I want to feel Freedom.

10 thoughts on “I am searching for Freedom.”

  1. Dearest Jodi thank you for sharing your beautiful heart.. you truly touched mine… thank you for helping me see clearly, love your new mantra.. you make a difference..
    I m touched by your honesty, vulnerability..and your love for who you are.. thank you for showing me how to be without fear, all we need is love.. especially for ourselves
    Thank you Jodi.. love you ❤️ Lillian

    1. Hello Jodi
      You are freedom we have to be it and live it!it is a mussel that is within each of us .in order to activate it we become it .it is always there it never goes away 😇

  2. Hi Jodi
    So inspired by you 🤗 Love the vulnerability in your words and they will touch people in many ways.
    This blog about Freedom resonates with me deeply. For me it speaks to my Knowkedgable Achiever always wanting to lead all aspects of my life, keeping to “all the rules” for brief satisfaction! Leaving me to feel like I’m missing something, lacking fulfillment within. That feeling of lack I believe stems from not taking the time to connect with my soul, being present in the moment rather then rushing to get the next thing done. The downside of this daily action is my mind tricks me into thinking it is the way to do things but by doing so it leaves very little room or time for Freedom or Playing. Playing to me feels like Freedom and it’s a struggle for me to remember to stop my KA from taking charge and allow space to feel my need to play, laugh and soak in the joy and love I gain from watching others playing along with me. Perhaps, one’s defitinon of Freedom is the core of who they are ? Don’t stop writing Ms. Jod’s 🥰🥰

    1. Well said! …and thank you! Freedom is a struggle in this world on so many levels. I wonder if we are able to find it within ourselves, will we then be able to see it in others and allow it all to flow? I do believe Freedom is the core of who we are…as we think back to our youbg selves and know how free we were able to live, to express ourselves and to love!

  3. Jodi, I like how you use the word “Freedom” as metaphor for the soul that dwells within. That it might be granted the power of allowing itself to speak, to act, to be whoever it needs to be, without the confines of whatever is holding it self-back and choosing to allow.
    I feel the depth of the invisible force of freedom that allows you to speak.
    I ask myself do I have that force within me? At times I feel an unseealbe energy forces around me that wants to diminish my light. But, I also recognize that I must make a choice and in that choice freedom lies within and everything else is an illusion.

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