As a grade eight teacher, some days I’m especially reminded of the harsh world the students live in. Since I primarily work with adolescents struggling in school in some form or the other, I am pretty familiar with the many ways a student suffers on a daily, even minute to minute basis. Sometimes it pains me in such a way, I cry for them, for me, for us, for humanity.
A student’s comment caught me off guard today. As we worked on multi-step Algebra equations, we were also discussing the difficulties of Algebra in general. After saying, “This is really hard work.” The reply was, “If it’s so hard, why can everyone else do it?” My heart broke right then and there, sitting in the classroom, another crack with another student’s name to add to the roster of 30 years. We continued our chat, but I don’t think I was able to turn that student’s thoughts around. Sometimes I just hate math!!
This is so incredibly true about our MS students. Just to have a teacher listen is important. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your support!!
Very impressive little one…Proud of you! Keep up the great work as you are touching lives every day and in ways not so obvious. Your legacy is years in the making…
Thank you, Adam. Your words mean very much to me!! I sincerely and deeply appreciate your support!!