Bookends in Life

I have names for the two bookends in my life. Some may call them husband and daughter. I call them Rex and Miranda. They are the bookends that hold me up, keep me in their minds and hearts, hold me up on the shelf of life. I am a treasured book of a person. I am important. I am special. They make me feel like my words have meaning, are of value, others will want to ingest my words for thought and consideration.

These bookends hold me up in so many ways. It’s been more than a year since I began my business and I am reflecting back on the beginning days. My bookends were hard at work supporting me, not only in heart, but in action. I recall hearing a knock at the back door of the building I started in. It’s my  younger book, Miranda. She found a couple of wall hangings and a table that she thought I could use and was hauling them up the stairs and through the hallway for me. I then looked out the window and saw my older bookend, Rex. He was hauling a heavy container filled with sand with a mounted, brand new mailbox. Not only had he cut a wooden post and mounted the mailbox, he designed a container sturdy enough for our town’s requirements. When I went out to see him and look at all the wonderful work he did, I saw that he even placed number stickers on the mailbox for the address. That specific detail, although important, could easily have been overlooked. These bookends support this book, me. They are like a hug, wrapping their supportive arms around me.

My book is open, has been read by many people and has continued to be supported by my bookends. If my words reach others and make a difference that is wonderful. My book, me, will have done its small part to help serve the world. My book is on life’s shelf, ready to be taken off by those who are supposed to read it!

I’m one book or the many millions of books in the world. Each book is unique, has value and is worthy of being supported by loving bookends. Who are the two bookends in your life?

Best Benefit of COVID? Grown-up kid at home!

Mother-Daughter at Franklin Park Zoo Festival of Lights 2020

Do any of you have your adult children back at home with you due to the current pandemic? This could be a small population of people I guess, but I seem to get asked if the kids are home with my husband and I a lot. One child lives in South Korea and the pandemic is keeping him there. Another lives a few miles down the road, so he’s all set. Our youngest lost her job while living in another state and came home to live when this all began, last April.

What a wonderful gift it has been! Instead of always wondering what’s she doing, if she’s okay, or how she’s feeling, I know. It is so comforting to have that knowledge and makes me happy that my husband and I have this extra time with her. I am going to treasure this gift, focus on this bright light in the shadows of all the illness and fear. I am grateful to have her energy back in the house, her singing in our ears and her smile right when I enter a room! 

At least one of our grown-up kids is home again! This is hands-down one of the best bennies of COVID!